A Typical Training Session
Trainings are a three day hands-on experience designed and structured to introduce craftsmen to the tools and knowledge. We teach everything required to gain a basic working knowledge of double-fold (double-lock standing seam) Euro-inspired techniques. Although SMR training is anything but a typical experience, here’s what you can expect.
Day One:
An introduction to the specific tools and details we will be working with during the training.
Morning of day one is spent in theory and working a few details out in paper to understand the processes involved, while the balance of the day is a focus on moving from paper mock-up to metal details and the specific tools required.
Day Two:
Students will take the basic knowledge learned from day one and begin applying them to a hands-on mock-up.
Topics covered will be: eave, rake, transition, change of direction, chimney, valley and pipe flashing details.
Day Three:
Mock-ups will be completed and reviewed.
Final review of tools and techniques and a question and answer session.
Sheridan Metal Resources provides all tools, equipment and mock-ups required to perform the training. Class sizes are limited to 10 students. On-site trainings are available at your location. Call for pricing.
COMING SUMMER 2020: Certification Programs!
We are working with industry manufacturers to provide material-specific training and certification in several materials including zinc, copper and aluminum. Students will complete a 3 to 5 day training in a specific material and will be given a certificate from the manufacturer stating that they have completed the training and are certified installers.
Call SMR for pricing on training certification and to schedule: 484-256-2729.